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The Committee
Archived Newsletters
In Rememberance
Recent Mailings
Golf Registration

 Welcome to the redesigned website of the Mankato West High School class of '82 Class Reunion!

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The Reunion Details

Get involved early! Volunteer to help the committee by clicking the "Feedback" form or click HERE. We have also updated our schedule of events. Click on the News link or click HERE for the latest. More details will be added as they become available.

NEW 7/31 The next meeting is Friday, August 10 @ 6:00pm BW3’s-hilltop.  Be prepared for the following discussion items:

·         Saturday night MC’s – who do we select?

·         Recognition Awards  - awards given on Saturday night

·         DVD, pictures and memory book

·         Invitation responses

·         MIA list

·         Reunion Website


NEW!!! The class of 82 reunion committee needs your help! To make the reunion weekend memorable we are asking for donations. Click on the graphic below for more information. As an acknowledgement your name will be added to the scrolling marquee below.

Recent Donations From:Anne Dunn   Lisa Veroeven   Dave Deuser  Mary Klingel

NEW 7/11/07. Apologies to all for not keeping up the site with the latest. Too much drama in my life at the moment but now that things are settling down a bit, here is the latest:

***Pictures for the Memory Book*** The committee wants your old pictures. If you have any you would like to see in the Memory Book e-mail them to either Ann Dunn Davis or Lisa Veroeven Hamas by clicking their name.

Classmates Tim Mettler and Steve Germundson are organizing a golf outing. Click on the Registration link to the left or HERE to learn more and to register.


Contact Information

The reunion committee now has a dedicated e-mail address, westclassof82@comcast.net so make a note of it. The webmaster is compiling e-mail addresses and will be e-mailing you updates soon.

Andrew Sine
Webmaster: asinejr@yahoo.com


Send mail to asinejr@yahoo.com with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 2007 Mankato West High School Class of '82 Reunion
Last modified: 03/12/07 from the comfort of my couch on my trusty Dell laptop.
Due to the insufferable popups from Tripod, the webmaster is looking for free hosting of this website. Prefer a host with FrontPage server extensions enabled. Can you help? Let him know by e-mailing him HERE. Thanks!