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Recent Mailings


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Recent Mailings

The "Save This Date" postcards have been mailed out to the addresses the committee has in the database so watch for it. If you didn't get the postcard or if you have moved since the 20 year reunion then click HERE to update your information with the committee.


3/17/07, this was e-mailed to the e-mail addresses the committee has in the database. Didn't get it? E-mail us HERE to update the committee with your e-mail address.

Greetings, all!
Time has indeed flew by. Planning has indeed begun for the Mankato West Class of 82 25 year reunion. All the latest information can be seen at our website, http://westclassof82.tripod.com and while you are at it, check out the new reunion committee members!
The website has been updated and totally rebuilt which includes the latest information on classmates that are MIA, an e-form to let us know where you are, etc. so pay us a visit, let us know your mailing address and your e-mail address as well.
The committee recently mailed "Save the Date" postcards to all the classmates we have addresses for. If you have moved since the 20th then chances are you didn't get the card so please hit the website and update us with your info.
Also, please note the new e-mail address I'm using. The hotmail address went away from lack of use on my part and all the info I had went away as well.
Finally, pass this e-mail on to the classmates you still keep in touch with in case we don't have their information.
The next reunion committee meeting date, time and location is posted on the website. If you can stop by then please do so!!
That's about it for now. As always, more info will be posted and e-mailed as developments warrant. I'll also be posting updates on classmates.com but our main contact website will continue to be http://westclassof82.tripod.com so keep checking back!
Drew Sine



Send mail to asinejr@yahoo.com with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 2007 Mankato West High School Class of '82 Reunion
Last modified: 03/12/07 from the comfort of my couch on my trusty Dell laptop.
Due to the insufferable popups from Tripod, the webmaster is looking for free hosting of this website. Prefer a host with FrontPage server extensions enabled. Can you help? Let him know by e-mailing him HERE. Thanks!